Tips and Tricks to getting that glowing skin this summer. Cleansing your face is the most basic skincare routine that you need to follow, the key is what to use and what to do after. Let us delve into some east to do light on your pocket skincare routine for the summer.
The Paradigm of Ayurvedic Beauty
When life hands you an obstacle find ways to overcome them with positivity and lightheartedness. Choosing to embrace the beauty and joy of simple feelings instead of wallowing in the negativity and chaos of turbulent emotions is always the answer to beauty and vitality on the inside and the outside.
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Mothers and Daughters
Over the years we find comfort in self-care, granted some of the mundane everyday stuff can be a drag, but it doesn't have to be. Learn to enjoy it and teach your little ones how to enjoy it too. As a mom to two beautiful girls in different stages of life, I can't stress enough how vital instilling a healthy and body positive self-care routine is for their growth and development.
Finding Happy
Where is Your Happy Place?
Watching the sunrise while I do my Utkatasana (Chair Pose) on a cool summer day. Burying my feet in the sand while I watch the waves crash ashore, or merely standing in the woods listening to the swaying of the leaves on age-old trees telling me their story. This is where my "happy" lives.
Tips On Internet Safety and Netiquette.
Today we are going to talk about internet etiquette and safety. While Emily Post may not have a book out on internet etiquette or better known as netiquette, it certainly exists. I wish more people understood and practiced it.
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